Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mumbling on an empty stomach....

I don’t have much work experience, just 3 or 4 companies I have worked but what I realize is what leaves a lasting impression on you is your boss. I’ve not yet got any monster of a boss but one of the boss I had in a particular company was one of the best persons anyone could get as a boss.

As said earlier my data is limited as I’ve not had much people to work under and I’m sure my views may change 10 years down the line. I have just read or heard about charisma or charismatic people never seen or interacted with one… but Mohammed was different…you see him from far approaching and there’s something about him that fills the room with positivity….and to add to all this he’s not a small person, tall enough to make you take notice….he’s that kind of a person who will leave an impression on you by just interacting with him for couple of minutes….probably that’s why even after offering a salary lesser than I had in mind I agreed when he asked me if he could work as his secretary…I of course said I wanted more, but wasn’t too pushy not at the thought of losing the offer, but with him you don’t feel like, you just don’t.

No wonder he is the Director of Sales, he knows how to sell and he really does it well in style and effortless. He makes sure even if it’s a garbage man that he talks with, the other person remembers him for a long long time.

I don’t have touch with him at all and my only interaction with him is on every Eid that I call and wish him. One particular eid I forgot and 3 days later I get a text message from him wishing me and my family Eid Mubarak, that’s Mohammed.

He is one hardcore coffee drinker, consistent enough with many Jordanians like him, starts his day with a coffee, black no sugar on a French Press, it’s him who introduced me to what a French Press / Percolator or whatever you may call it as. After couple of hours it graduates to a Turkish coffee, again strong and no sugar. Has enough caffeine intake to make sure he is as energetic as it needs…..

Off topic but I was shocked to see the price rice this time when I went to India on vacation, ofcourse it had been 24 months since I last went to India but I never thought things would escalate so much…so much so that it offset all the advantages I got by a weak rupee against dollar. So technically even though I had more Rs per Saudi Riyal since things were much much more costlier it dint serve any purpose, for example a juice which was 20 is now 30, a slice of cucumber with pickle which was 1 or 2rs max is 5 now, ccd used to cost us like 100rs for 2 people, now its like 250 for 2. I went to Hotel Rahmath and had just one chicken curry of some sort and 3 kerala parathas and I got a bill for 144Rs, I had never paid more than 50 bucks there. A bloody simple lime juice is now 10 bucks…

Another remarkable change I found when I went this time was the increase in inter state employees at various places… I go to the ccd and I’m greeted by a guy from Karnataka, I go to the once iconic Satheesh for a quick shave and it’s a UP wala, I go to a petrol bunk en route some place called kolapuram in malapuram district to have something called as Al faham but no way close to the actual and a disgrace to the actual ( but hey as long as you taste a better one this one is good enough) and the guy at the petrol bunk was a Bihari, I go to handsome for a trim on my nikkah day and again welcomed by hindi speaking guy…         

I’m not like that Bal thakarey guy in Mumbai, I don’t have an issue if you people come here and work and earn an honest days work, in fact I would be a hypocrite if I did that as I studied in Tamil Nadu and worked in Karnataka and Saudi Arabia so I have no say, but my only objection is that if your entering retail sector or anything where you have direct contact with the customer then please please learn the language, the guy sitting and getting a haircut before me was struggling to tell the hairdresser what he wanted and so was the old lady in ccd when she was saying she wanted the cake but cut in so and so way.

I’m sure I might get asked the same question if I learnt kannada or Arabic, but hey I don’t get locals to interact with so that point is invalid and makes no sense…what doesn’t make even more sense is why I wasn’t nervous on my wedding day…I had heard friends colleagues batchmates etc about their big day and how they all felt nervous and it was normal to have some butterflies in the stomache….it is so normal that if you weren’t freaking out then there’s something wrong about you…

I laughed and said yuck at some of the lines in my blog post written way back in 2009 and I’m sure 5 years down the line same is gonna happen for the above, but hey what the heck, its only me who writes and reads it.

Till Laters, See You When I See You….