Wednesday, May 27, 2009

whats common between Pepsi and Trains......find out urself.....

Ok here we go again…I’m sure this is not gona be as hyper as my the first post…..first 1 is always hyper hyper cos u got no idea what your typing and u juz wanna stuff as much stuff as possible….but now i guess the fizz is gone, so will be little more restrained now….

talking abt fizz I remember reading some article couple of years back when pepsi or coke not sure who, did a blind test and found out that most of them couldn’t differentiate between Pepsi and coke in a blind test…but I kinda don’t agree cos I can tell pepsi out of coke bcos I prefer pepsi over coke not cos sreesanth comes and does a dance in the ads ,but juz cos it tastes better….

now talking abt coke and pepsi…..if u recollect then u will know that srk was a pespi endorser but pepsi threw him out cos he dint fit inside the ‘youngisthaan’ thingy…they probably thought he was too old and pepsi was a young thing now and blah blah…..but overnight coke went and bought him and now he stars in the sprite ad which means technically he endorses coke now…..

now I guess pespi bosses will be regretting and shitting in their diapers cos if at all coke comes out with an ad with srk and aamir and y not even hrithik in one single ad… wuld be awesome…

talking abt aamir who now is an ardent coke fan,was initially a pepsi endorser…..u culd actually do a utube search and find out an old TVC of pepsi featuring aamir ash and I guess mahima….lol… I don’t see anything wrong in srk jumping from pepsi to coke overnight…

talking abt endorsements, I love akshay for that…..he juz endorses what he believes in or only those products which he actually likes……I guess the only brands he has ever endorsed is ruf n tuf,Grasim suitings ,thumbs up and maybe one more….thats a small list in relatively long career…..

talking abt career I wanted to do Company secreteryship after my 12th and not BBM but somehow ended up doing bbm and I don’t regret also…..

talking abt regretting I’m on the brink of regretting me taking marketing as my specialization….i was confused between Hr and Mktg…..confused cos I love to study marketing as a subject but don’t exactly like the work and for Hr it was juz the opposite…I kinda like the work but don’t like to study the subjects coming under Hr specialization….infact I don’t like most of the subjects….lol….not exactly….it depends on which subject it is and is being handled by whom…cos there are lot of subjets I don’t like but juz bcos the person teaching is awesome I end up liking the subject….that holds true for subjects like Quantitative techniques, geography, economics etc…..the other way round also happens when u like a subject but the faculty doesn’t teach it properly and u end up hating it…

talking abt hate ,I hate the climate now a days….its freaking hot and humid and taking a bath also doesn’t make sense cos the moment u step out of the house u melt and find urself in a pool of sweat….god knows if those deodorants actually work….they claim 24hrs active protection and blah but I don’t think it last more than 24mins…lol……

oh talking abt 24 i remember reading a couple of years back that a typical cricket match is broadcasted using 24 cameras….but that is like an old information, now I’m sure they got more….

talking abt more….now a days they got so much technology in cameras for cricket like hawkeye ultra slow motion ,hot spots etc etc but when it comes with regard to run outs they don’t have a proper cam and its occasionally a controversy cos they can’t get the frame they wanted..i mean in a way that’s nice….keeps the drama alive….

talking abt drama reminds me of dharna….i donno y kerala is called gods own country it should be call strikes own country….talking abt country…..ppl say there is lot of unemployment in india and blah….we’ve been searching for a driver and watchman from the past couple of months and there’s none to do that job…..dont tell me every’1 doing mba and can’t work as a watchman……

oh btw I heard there’s a new movie called watchman running in my friendly neighborhood theatre the crown….i think the best time to go to crown is on sat or Sundays evening show cos we get to see lot of ppl who u don’t see on a normal basis in Calicut….most of them from the IIM or Rec…..btw heard REC’s renamed into something else long time back but I juz don’t remember what….talking about remembrance I don’t remember peoples faces if I’ve met them only once and its really awkward cos sometimes u see some1 on the road and they smile at u cos they’ve met u once before and I’m like what the fish u looking at me and smiling u fool, is my postoffice open or what….

talking abt postoffice my house is juz behind the head post office…..ive gone there juz once don’t remember for what…..i guess to buy stamps or something….

talking about stamps I collect stamps as in I used to collect and still have them but don’t collect nymore, I also collect currencies and coins also… was fun then in those days at school… not actually collecting anything other than bills/receipts…..that’s my new hobby….i mean some ppl collect perfume bottle others collect lighters and I collect bills…say for example I’ve a huge collection of almost all the train tickets I’ve travelled in the last 3 or 4 years….i know that’s kinda dumb but I juz collect…..but now I feel I should have collected those tickets in a different way….as in I should have used it as a small diary as in every time i travel i should have written what happened interesting on that journey on the back of that ticket….shit…shit…shit….y dint I do that….if I had done that it would have been cool to see it after some years where u recollect those funny moments on train…..i have a lot of memories while going on train….a lot as in a lot….will tell them in future posts…..1 i can say now is that I got ragged in the train when I was going home for the first time after joining college… dint take any more risk after that and I ended up travelling in the state KSRTC bus for the next 5months….so like whole 1st semester of bbm I used to travel by bus and not train…..i used to hate the bus journeys mainly cos I used to get a back pain after every travel of 5 odd hours in the same position….but they are more reliable than train most of the times……

talking about trains they occasionally stop at stations and this blog like a train stops for a break here….

Take care
Happy eating and ya pls leave ure comments….wuld really appreciate if u take the time and say what u think abt the garbage here

Monday, May 25, 2009 see....first blog......first entry......hmmmm....ahem.....blah....hmmm...i think thats enuf for the to do....ppl call me lazy....nd i realize that what they said was true........juz typed two lines and already saygn thats enuf for the day......oh btw too lazy that dont even have the mood to move my cursor and correct the spelling mistake in the above line where i typed saygn instead of saying.......
lol......btw y am i typing a lot of "....." it like a stress mean how can that reduce stress.........but i remember arthur saying to me.......adding "..." in text messages to his gal reduced a lot of stress and cooled things down....i dunno how that can actually affect things bcos technically i dont see the usage of a couple of dots....hey wait a minute....i juz said technically means im enjoying this....cos the oly time i say that is when i'm enjoying what i'm saying or talking.....btw i sometimes simply use or even overuse it also when talking to some1 to show them i know a lot abt that subject and make them feel like they are a looser in that topic bu juz saying see technically the dash of the dash when mixed results in the dash of the dash.....juz use some jargon's and couple of hifi words and make him feel ure a guru in that i shouldn't be saying that away my trade sectretz.......either ways who cares.....whos gonna read this blog unless i put a double barrel in his head and force him to read....talking about double barrels....i love and rohit had a goood time discussing abt guns etc......wooo.....that was one time.....but he's gone now........gone as in he's not dead but gone to australia.....big deal its the same thing......if at all any1 has the patience to read till here he/she will be like y cant u stick to one topic and type in paragraphs......well i cant do that cos i'm too lazy to hit enter button and make paragraphs.....and abt topics i cant help it......cos even though its late night my head'z having a confusion of what topic to type and talking abt typing i'm getting lazy again.....eitherways im actually seeing a TVC on utube and juz thot ill type something while that buffers cos im not on some bloody highspeed broadband.....this is juz a makeshift internet conection im getting bcos of the magnanimity(i know the spellingz wrong)of airtel cos i took a 1 week net on phone and its 1week i cant like call airtel and say my speeds dint think ill type this much....when i started typing i thot ill juz type pink is not my favourite color but black....talking abt comes as a spelling mistake i guess in MS word.....i guess their spelling is favorite....they also have others like color etc....talking about colors,,,,,, we go again..... i juz thot of stopping and cant stop typing...its as if im getting more money by typing more.....talking abt money.....i'm broke now cos i did a 222 top up today....shit.....ok i think i shuld stop....talking abt stop reminds me of signalz......i like the signalz in Bahrain cos they show orange not only before red but also before like that part of that ive gone there.....newer been to Bahrain.....but technically yes cos i fly from calicut to bahrain and from there take a bus to Dammam......talking abt dammam...what i like abt dammam is that......oh shit i typed and not getting anything.....oh god what do i like.....y am i getting worried as if its typewriter and doesnt have a and talking abt typewriters i used to love the typewriter in my dads office cos it was not that chunky click click one but state of the art compact one which had a keyboard like a normal pc and also had a backspace....i doono on what principle it erased the alphabets......oh and talking abt alphabets "Z" is my favourite one...........talking abt one my favourite number is 13 cos my name has that many characters.........sad....i dont even wanna read the post......its full of speling mistakes............dhit ...i mean dots dont have spelling mistakes...its always.... or .......hehe..

ok fazin control...
control fazin control

ps-the two reasons y i made a blog and typed this blog are
1: anju asked me to give it a try
and 2: neelz is gonna have a ball tomorrow cos boss is out of station and asked me for suggestions of what to do on the net and i said utube......she was like cant use earphones in office.....have to look like ure reading something i said read shes like im gonna text her now saying...MINE.....
i hope job well done...wooooooooh.