Friday, June 5, 2009

Rains and Restaurantz!

Hmmm…lets see..not typing this new post cos I’m jobless but just because it’s raining outside heavily and can’t go out because of that…damn…either ways at least because of that i become jobless and end up typing now…..what do I talk about today that might keep u interested till the end of the post….mmm….lemme see…..shit…..i’m not getting any……its sad cos when I have topics I don’t feel like typing and when I feel like typing I don’t get topics…..ok ill tell something about some peculiar customers who comes at my dad’s restaurant.

There is this one gentleman who comes every Thursday nights and the unique thing about him is not that that he comes regularly every Thursday but that he orders the same stuff every time he comes….in fact after couple of Thursdays he doesn’t need to order because the waiter knows by heart what soup, appetizer side dish and main course he needs….i feel its kindoff odd or should I say funny to have such a customer who eats same thing every Thursday nite…lol !!

Then there is another family who comes regularly, it’s a husband wife and a kid…..a small brat I must say….ok now these people are not monotonous like the above guy….it’s not what they order that leaves an impact but something else…we donno why or how this happens but it so happens that everytime this family comes their kid breaks the drinking glass….hmmm…sad that we can’t charge for that glass….so everytime they come 1 glass is raam raam sathya hain….cant help that!!

Ok the third unique category of customers is a bunch of girls/ladies…..hmm…they don’t come to the restaurant to enjoy the food….they come for some other reason….they view the restaurant as some bunker or some veil from outside world…the thing is we got family section and as is the case in Saudi Arabia the family section is normally in a cabin like structure giving good privacy….so what do they come for…..any guesses…they come to SMOKE…..hehe…..yup….they just order some side dish or dessert just for formality so that they can sit there for enough time to finish their Marlboro’s ….

Talking about restaurants what differentiate Arab customers from we Indians is that taste of the food is not of supreme importance to them in a family restaurant…as in yes it is important but not as important as their top priority that is ambiance…..they give too much weightage to ambience….if the ambience which includes the lighting, the paint colors, decoration, layout ,size, furniture, fixtures etc is good they’ll come back for sure even if food is not extraordinary.

I’m sorry if this post was not entertaining or infotaining but none the less its stopped raining outside so I gotta go……keep blogging and happy eating and ya of course leave your comments pls….


Anonymous said...

wats happenin to u ,,,,this piece luks as though its comin 4m a sober writer , i mean its real nice ,decent stuff ( but so unfazin),so whatever happned to the crazy ,abrasive, eye poppin,original,interestin style of urs ,,, hmmmm ,,,,,cum back with old zing zin

caZper said...

Hehe.....i donno....head dint strike anything wierd thats y ended in such a normal post

~Lady A~ said...

i liked it..

caZper said...

thank u....happy blogging