Thursday, November 12, 2009

Back to blogging.....after one trime

hmmmm....Its been long....I must say I’ve lost hell I’ve lost touch.....I'm not even getting what to type.....OMG....I feel blank.....blank as a mood to blog but thoughts not flowing....samething that happens in an exam.....I know I have to write lots to fill the pages but things juz refuse to flow from the laymans language I say I don’t have the ability to bullshit in the paper.....I know u won’t agree with that fact because you can BS and in your eyes since u can Bs any1 and every1 should be able to BS because u don’t find it difficult or u describe it as a survival instinct cos u don’t have to be good at it....its a survival instinct because u know if u don’t bs u wont fill the papers....hmmm....ok don’t wanna get into an arguement with u now....
Placements have started and I see a change in ppls attitude...when initially we joined we were like we expect this much $ nd all but now when hiring is less we are like we juz want a decent job in a decent company with a decent salary.....talking abt me I always wanted to be a pilot as a child.....I know that’s the most preferred

choice among boys when they are small....other common ones could be police officers etc....later after I grew up a little I wanted to be a forklift operator for some odd reason....after couple of years I wanted to be a salesman at sony world or any other shop which sells electronic items or gadgets/ late the last thing I remember before my present wish is I wanted to be a salesman at titan watches....yes titan not ROLEX....well mainly because the product portfolio caters to all income could get one for less than thousand as well as 40k also.....I also love the diversity they have in their collections viz
· Orion

· Fastrack
· Raga diva
· Raga flora
· Zoop
· Nebula
· Octane
· Heritae
· Edge
· etc
I mean the distinctness between the ranges are very clear and each collection is precisely targeted....I mean for example a person buying a gift for a wedding directly asks for Raga and a college/teenager asks for a fastrack......I'm not very sure how many watch makers do it this coming back to the the reason I wanted to be a salesman is not only because of the love towards watches but also because of the lack of knowledge that some salesman selling watches have which I’ve seen in various shops.....I mean its not a vegetable shop damn least try to learn the basics....I'm sometimes very confused regarding my long term vision.....I tell people when they ask that I want to be a restaurateur with outlets all over india.....but I’ve never said this out to any1...nd this is the first time I'm saying that I also wouldn’t mind having a chain of watch shops across India.....mind you not the normal watch shop that you got to or have been till now but something radically different from the present ones.....say the guy showing the watch would be wearing black suit and white gloves to show the watch and say after the experience you will say next time I'm gonna buy a watch it will be here only.....not even remotely sure if any of these will be remotely plausible sure is difficult but not impossible.....god willing I will be having one of

those 2 dreams a what else about watches....lemmee think....I love guess I said that already once......hehhe....I have such a bond with my watches that 99% of the times when I go out ill wear and make sure three things I don’t forget to take while going out are cell, wallet and a watch......the oly times I don’t wear my watch are when I’ve forgotten it or else when I'm very depressed I purposefully don’t wear it as a sign of anger/protest.....but the same watch is also the first thing I get ridoff the moment I enter home......I’ve also lost 2 watches....cut from watches, its getting too boring...hmmm what else....
ya got went to a restaurant to have lunch....the kitchen was in there was juz a see thru glass separating the seating area and the kitchen.....I mean that needs confidence on the part of the any restaurateur to show his kitchen to you....I mean how gud ever the restaurant, maintaining a clean kitchen is not that easy especially at busy places....I did this small project/assignment kind of thing at Taj Residency Calicut for 18 days ( not the way we ppl do it over here, was actual 8hrs per day)....and I had the opportunity to see their kitchen and I saw this chef doing the icing on a cake....and I couldn’t believe the number of flies that were sitting on the other cakes yet to be iced....there are a lot of thing I learnt from my very very short time there....I remember seeing this board near the register where u sign your attendance said “whatever happens, the guest is always righ

t” ( btw in hospitality industry people are never referred to as customers but guests).....I donno why but that one single board that you see every day morning has such a big impact because that’s the first thing u read every day morning when u enter for work.....the other things I learnt of their practices were there's a telephone etiquette they are supposed to strictly follow.....the guidelines were written on the notice read....
The phone should be picked within three rings

  • Never say hello
  • Instead with the following format
  • Greeting+ your department+ your name+how may I help u or any similar line
For example: Good morning..Front office...this is may I help you sir....
oh btw this format actually reminds me of a small incident that happened to my UG roommate Rohit....he was doing his 6month internship at The Park Hyatt, Goa and his work kept rotating every month and he was once working in bakery or something and next day he gets transferred to market grill and when the phone rings....he says....gud evening bakery, rohit here..May I help you....and unfortunately it was the executive chef (executive chef is the highest position in the organisational chart inside the food and beverages production department) that had called and chef was like.. "rohit, please look around".......ok you might not find that funny because you don’t know him....Lol......oh btw why have I shifted to this topic suddenly.....where was I..... it.....I was talking about ho dirty/unhygienic the kitchens can be.....oh talking about hygiene reminds me of a funny situation that happened to me involving womans’ hygiene product......this was like way back in 2007......I was shopping in medium sized shop called Anona in Calicut and I had gone for buying stuff and specifically for a particular note book also....when I picked the book the whole lot of 10 books fell on the me being a good boy sat down(yes literally) and started putting the books back and arranging it......any1 who saw me could mistaken be for being a salesman/(sales boy rather at that time without a moustache and all) this is what happens.....I'm arranging the books and a lady comes behind me and

  • lady: excuse me?
  • Me: yes
  • L: can u take for me whisper ultra max with wings or some crap.....
  • M:(gulp)(not wanting to embarrass the woman, trying to hold my laughter back )please come....
  • L: ok
I took it and gave it to her from the rack and she was like not regular....I searched and I got it for her.....after 5 mins I got my stuff and was standing in the counter and she was standing in the other counter.....oh my god.....I cannot explain the look she had on her was priceless and not explainable in words in a blog......oh god we again off tracked as usual from titan to kitchens to what not.....
I donno why but I don’t have a sense of confidence to go more normal....maybe it’s because it’s been long since I’ve blogged......but then some genius or rather genie-ass said to me y do u bother about the reader, juz write what u feel like writing.....never restrain yourself and hinder your thought-typing process by filtering.....talking about filtering my content......if I start typing what I really feel like typing then I will get an "A" rating for my blog because as of now I feel like blogging about alcohol and about PSGIM......
talking about alcohol.....I remember some1 asking me what Drink Responsibly mean? I said its without troubling others and without troubling yourself.....heheh.....There are lot of excuses than reasons for one to drink, once my friend X said, I just drink two days in a year, the day when it rains and the day when it

is not raining. When will he end his bachelor life? Because in our community girls are very much concerned about Alcohol, they don’t want to spoil their life by marrying someone who drowns his life in end I would like to end by a famous quote

If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.
cheers.....happy blogging
take care


Kingpin said...

Let me just say that you should write more often. And what you write about shouldn't really be a matter of concern as somebody rightly pointed out.


Gopika said...

i just love d whisper story never get tired of it..n i occasionally narrate to ma frens too!!! its a lovely blog post.

caspi ,,,,,, said...

Well, well look who we have here ,,,,,,back with a bang eh ,,,,,,,i really loved this one boss ,,u really dig into watches???? tats news !!!,,,,,and the other random things abt ur experiences were real good man!!!!some wr really Hilarious ,,,,,keep em cumin faz ,,,,we r waitin ,,,,,,,,,

caZper said...

thank you for taking the time to read my blog.....

Anonymous said...

well,,lets say usual like you calculate inflation rates ,each of your blog entries are like a bundle of goods (WATCH IT girls ! He never sticks to one!!!-Just 4 laughs folks!!)
Never stick to one topic..but its fun reading it...and so you are responsible for bringing a smile on my face after i read this...i guess that serves the purpose...

cheers n keep bloggin!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny and captivating.., sure u re bck wit a bang...
Cheers Fazin.. Keep blogging...!!

caZper said...

both of the anonymous next time please put ure name at the end...thanks

Ramana said...

Mr.Burgundy you are a true blue maverick!! Keep up the quirky stuff in your blog.Loved the whisper story...only you could have reacted the way you did..uniquley fazinisque...there was a seamless flow between ur varied narratives...keep up the good work!!

caZper said...

thax man..and its red wine and not burgundy...hehehehe.....i'm a little particular abt the colour......subtle difference is there

uppasna said...

doesn't let me sleep.. good or bad.. u decide :-)