Monday, May 25, 2009 see....first blog......first entry......hmmmm....ahem.....blah....hmmm...i think thats enuf for the to do....ppl call me lazy....nd i realize that what they said was true........juz typed two lines and already saygn thats enuf for the day......oh btw too lazy that dont even have the mood to move my cursor and correct the spelling mistake in the above line where i typed saygn instead of saying.......
lol......btw y am i typing a lot of "....." it like a stress mean how can that reduce stress.........but i remember arthur saying to me.......adding "..." in text messages to his gal reduced a lot of stress and cooled things down....i dunno how that can actually affect things bcos technically i dont see the usage of a couple of dots....hey wait a minute....i juz said technically means im enjoying this....cos the oly time i say that is when i'm enjoying what i'm saying or talking.....btw i sometimes simply use or even overuse it also when talking to some1 to show them i know a lot abt that subject and make them feel like they are a looser in that topic bu juz saying see technically the dash of the dash when mixed results in the dash of the dash.....juz use some jargon's and couple of hifi words and make him feel ure a guru in that i shouldn't be saying that away my trade sectretz.......either ways who cares.....whos gonna read this blog unless i put a double barrel in his head and force him to read....talking about double barrels....i love and rohit had a goood time discussing abt guns etc......wooo.....that was one time.....but he's gone now........gone as in he's not dead but gone to australia.....big deal its the same thing......if at all any1 has the patience to read till here he/she will be like y cant u stick to one topic and type in paragraphs......well i cant do that cos i'm too lazy to hit enter button and make paragraphs.....and abt topics i cant help it......cos even though its late night my head'z having a confusion of what topic to type and talking abt typing i'm getting lazy again.....eitherways im actually seeing a TVC on utube and juz thot ill type something while that buffers cos im not on some bloody highspeed broadband.....this is juz a makeshift internet conection im getting bcos of the magnanimity(i know the spellingz wrong)of airtel cos i took a 1 week net on phone and its 1week i cant like call airtel and say my speeds dint think ill type this much....when i started typing i thot ill juz type pink is not my favourite color but black....talking abt comes as a spelling mistake i guess in MS word.....i guess their spelling is favorite....they also have others like color etc....talking about colors,,,,,, we go again..... i juz thot of stopping and cant stop typing...its as if im getting more money by typing more.....talking abt money.....i'm broke now cos i did a 222 top up today....shit.....ok i think i shuld stop....talking abt stop reminds me of signalz......i like the signalz in Bahrain cos they show orange not only before red but also before like that part of that ive gone there.....newer been to Bahrain.....but technically yes cos i fly from calicut to bahrain and from there take a bus to Dammam......talking abt dammam...what i like abt dammam is that......oh shit i typed and not getting anything.....oh god what do i like.....y am i getting worried as if its typewriter and doesnt have a and talking abt typewriters i used to love the typewriter in my dads office cos it was not that chunky click click one but state of the art compact one which had a keyboard like a normal pc and also had a backspace....i doono on what principle it erased the alphabets......oh and talking abt alphabets "Z" is my favourite one...........talking abt one my favourite number is 13 cos my name has that many characters.........sad....i dont even wanna read the post......its full of speling mistakes............dhit ...i mean dots dont have spelling mistakes...its always.... or .......hehe..

ok fazin control...
control fazin control

ps-the two reasons y i made a blog and typed this blog are
1: anju asked me to give it a try
and 2: neelz is gonna have a ball tomorrow cos boss is out of station and asked me for suggestions of what to do on the net and i said utube......she was like cant use earphones in office.....have to look like ure reading something i said read shes like im gonna text her now saying...MINE.....
i hope job well done...wooooooooh.


~Lady A~ said...

ur first comment!!well thankz to me n neelz, the world is gona witness sum ENLIGHTENMENT courtesy faZin bin ummer!!good start,man...keep it goin!!

Unknown said...

yup..for starters thats a great job and looking at more intellectual thoughts here from ur ur invention 'theory of nick namez' so on n so grab the keyboard n write away buddy...

Kingpin said...

For having set out writing two lines and having ended up garrulously garbling that much, it's a terrific start. You know what I mean. So, write on.

caZper said...

thank u very very much...

Janani said...

heyyy..It was fun reading..Ha ha.. keep writin..

caZper said...

thanx Jana